LEO’s presentation

LEO's presentation

The Orléans Economics Laboratory (LÉO) is a research unit of the University of Orléans created on January 1, 1996 following the merger of the Orleans Institute of Finance (created in 1974) and the Center for Research on Employment and Production (created in 1984). Initially located in Orléans, the LÉO is the only economics laboratory in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

Since January 2013, it has welcomed, in addition to its Orléans colleagues, teacher-researchers in economics from the François Rabelais University of Tours (UFRT), and since February 2022, it has welcomed teacher-researchers in economics from the Clermont Auvergne University.

The laboratory includes :

permanent members
(University professors and Lecturers)
doctoral and post-doctoral students
including 5 co-supervisors

Structuring and scientific themes of the unit.

The research activities of LÉO combine theoretical developments and empirical applications. They are structured thematically around the three teams of the laboratory whose main research themes are the following

Macroeconomics and Finance Team (MF)

  • Delegation of asset management / Household financial choices / Banking sector and financial stability / Microfinance.
  • Heterogeneity of economic and monetary unions / Institutions, macroeconomic policies and growth / Political Economy of Central Banking.

Econometrics Team

  • Financial Econometrics
  • Panel Data Econometrics.
  • Reproducible research.

International Economics and Sustainable Development Team (EI2D)

  • Migrations / Trade in goods and services and international investment / Open macroeconomics and transmission of shocks / Globalization and Institutions. 
  • Sustainable development / Environment / Sustainable development and globalisation.

The projects

Research at LÉO is structured around 6 major research projects that aim to address new issues related to a changing economic context:


Laboratory activity reports