


Market disappointment with central bank announcements

Date : Jeudi | 2024-09-26 Ă  12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses

Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire du LÉO

Matthieu Picault (LEO, UniversitĂ© d’OrlĂ©ans)

We build an index of market disappointment with central bank announcements for both the Fed and the ECB. To detect such disappointment, we draw on articles from key financial newspapers and employ text-mining methods to identify sentences conveying such disappointment. Our index enables us to uncover new facts about the market response to central bank announcements. First, we document that disappointment with central bank announcements are frequent (about 20% of the announcements) and predominantly stem from the absence of easing measures. Second, we find that market disappointment leads to changes in monetary policy rule perceptions quicker than previously documented using standard surprise measures. Third, we observe that market disappointments lead to declines in stock returns and increases in volatility over the subsequent days. These effects are economically significant and present for both the Fed and the ECB, controlling for standard monetary policy surprise measures. The reversal pattern and additional analysis point to investor sentiment as a key factor behind these effects.

Conférence Chaire ILB CACL

Date : Mardi 17 décembre 2024 à 12h00
Lieu : Salle B.103 - UFR DEG Orléans

Organisateur(s) : LÉO

Rejoignez-nous pour une confĂ©rence prĂ©sentĂ©e par Robert Petrunia, de l'UniversitĂ© Lakehead (Canada), lors de sa visite Ă  OrlĂ©ans et au LÉO les 16 et 17 dĂ©cembre 2024 !
Invité par Marcel VOIA, le professeur Petrunia présentera ses recherches dans le cadre de la Chaire ILB CACL LEO "Transition énergétique et transformation des modÚles économiques".

RĂ©sumĂ© de son article : "In this paper, we use data tracking consumer movements to assess the impact of government policies on activities at food and drinking establishments. In particular, we compare four Canadian cities - Ottawa, Gatineau, Toronto and Montreal - to assess the effects of Provincial stringency measures and infection waves on customer visit counts and active business counts. These four cities allow the following comparisons: (i) Ottawa-Gatineau as border cities; (ii) Toronto-Montreal as non-border cities; and (iii) Ottawa-Gatineau differences versus Toronto-Montreal differences. The Ottawa-Gatineau difference in visit counts spikes during waves of infection surges. In comparison, the Toronto-Montreal difference shrinks and typically becomes negative during infection surges with the exception of the first infection wave in March-June 2020. Combining these implies the difference in the differences increases during increases during infection surges. Further analysis looks at the impact of both an ’in person’ dining and overall stringency indices and shows that the overall stringency index has a much bigger impact on activity than the ’in person dining’ stringency index. The results indicate that the impact of the overall stringency index is reduced for the Ottawa/Gatineau border cities."

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Conférence « Crise(s) et globalisation »

Date : Jeudi 05 & vendredi 06 décembre 2024 à 09h00
Lieu : HĂŽtel Dupanloup

Organisateur(s) : LÉO - CRJP

Conférence financée par le projet APR IA CriseReactGlobal - Convention 2021 00149486
Des thématiques liées aux crises et aux réponses des économies dans un contexte de mondialisation.
Des conférences pléniÚres, des tables rondes et des sessions de présentation d'articles seront organisées lors de cette conférence sur les thÚmes suivants :
  • Crises et commerce international
  • Changement climatique et environnement
  • IntĂ©gration financiĂšre, marchĂ©s financiers et crises rĂ©centes

Keynotes speakers :

  • GrĂ©goire Leray, UniversitĂ© de Nice
  • Camelia Minoiu, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
  • SĂ©bastien Jean, CAE, CNAM

IMF Delegation

Date : Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Lieu : Thesis Room - UFR DEG Orléans

Organisateur(s) : LÉO

We are excited to announce that our laboratory will soon host representatives from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This visit presents a valuable opportunity to share our research projects and innovations.



Program on opposite

Affiche Program

SĂ©lection du projet AESOP dans le cadre de l’AAPG 2024 de l’ANR

FĂ©licitations Ă  BĂ©atrice BOULU-RESHEF et Ă  tous nos partenaires pour la sĂ©lection du projet AESOP – AvancĂ©es sur les prĂ©fĂ©rences Ă©thiques et sociales dans le cadre de l’AAPG 2024 de l’ANR (Appel Ă  projets gĂ©nĂ©rique 2024)

Ce projet est portĂ© par Fabrice Le Lec, LEM (UniversitĂ© de Lille) en partenariat avec le CREM (UniversitĂ© de Rennes 1), le LÉO (UniversitĂ© d’OrlĂ©ans) et le BETA (UniversitĂ© de Strasbourg).


Université de Lille
Universite de Strasbourg

Conférence Prof. Dr. Hiro ITO

Date : Mardi 17 septembre 2024 Ă  12h00
Lieu : UFR DEG Orléans - Salle des thÚses

Organisateur(s) : LÉO - IdR "Transition Ă©nergĂ©tique et transformation des modĂšles Ă©conomiques" CrĂ©dit Agricole - Institut Louis Bachelier

Hiro Ito (Portland State University), l'un des spĂ©cialistes les plus reconnus en (macro)Ă©conomie internationale, auteur de l'indicateur Chinn-Ito, sera Ă  OrlĂ©ans et au LÉO Ă  partir du 17 septembre, dans le cadre d'un visiting au sein de la Chaire ILB CACL LEO "Transition Ă©nergĂ©tique et transformation des modĂšles Ă©conomiques".

Sa conférence portera sur le théme : "Can the BRICS Challenge U.S. Dollar Dominance?"

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JournĂ©es doctorales du LÉO – Édition 2024

Date : Jeudi 30 & Vendredi 31 mai 202 Ă  9h30
Lieu : UFR DEG - Salle des ThĂšses

Organisateur(s) : LÉO

Tous les doctorants du LÉO sont invitĂ©s Ă  soumettre leur travail, quel que soit leur Ă©tat d'avancement. L’objectif de ces JournĂ©es doctorales est multiple :

- S'entrainer Ă  prĂ©senter ses travaux et rapporter d’autres papiers
- Obtenir un feedback bienveillant sur les travaux
- Obtenir de pistes d’amĂ©lioration et des idĂ©es de dĂ©veloppement
- Créer des synergies entre les doctorants qui travaillent sur des sites distants
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« 29th International Panel Data » Conference

Date : July 4&5, 2024
Lieu : University of Orléans

Organisateur(s) : LÉO

The aim of the conference is to bring together economists, econometricians, statisticians and social scientists using panel data for their applied and/or theoretical research. The conference provides an active forum for researchers to discuss their findings from theoretical or empirical viewpoints, seek feedback, exchange ideas for future research and promote active collaboration in all areas of panel data analysis. The International Panel Data Conference started in 1977.


Keynotes Speakers :
  • Marine Carrasco, University of Montreal

  • Serena Ng, Columbia University

  • Hashem Pesaran, Cambridge University & University Of Southern California

  • Olivier Scaillet, University of Geneve


Important dates :
  • Submission deadline: March 1st, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: March 31th, 2024
  • Opening registration: April 1st, 2024
  • Registration deadline for presenters’: April 30th, 2024
  • Registration deadline for attendees’: May 20th, 2024


Local Organizing Committee - Coordinator :
  • Christophe HURLIN, Full Professor
  • Marcel VOIA, Full Professor
  • Cristina STRANGO, PhD Student


Contact :


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