Date : Jeudi | 2025-03-20 Ă 12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses
Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire doctorant du LĂO
Martin CIMETIERE (LEO, UniversitĂ© dâOrlĂ©ans)
Based on the 2020 International Social Survey Program (ISSP) IV Environment Module, this paper examines how individual characteristics influence the willingness to pay to protect the environment. We confirm the main findings of the literature: the more respondents perceive the environment as an issue for their country and the more personally concerned they feel, the more they are willing to pay. However, we contribute to the literature by highlighting the role of social status: the higher respondents place themselves on the social scale, the more they are willing to pay; and of proactive attitudes: the more willing respondents are to take action for the environment independently of others, the more they are willing to pay. We underline that the impact of social status, i.e., respondents' subjective perception of their position on the social scale, remains significant even after controlling for income level. Our results suggest that, in order to strengthen individuals' willingness to pay for the environment, two types of policies can be effective: (1) reducing perceived inequality, not just income inequality, and (2) convincing individuals that personal actions are meaningful, even if they do not seem widely adopted by others.