


Conférence Chaire ILB CACL

Date : Mardi 17 décembre 2024 à 12h00
Lieu : Salle B.103 - UFR DEG Orléans

Organisateur(s) : LÉO

Rejoignez-nous pour une confĂ©rence prĂ©sentĂ©e par Robert Petrunia, de l'UniversitĂ© Lakehead (Canada), lors de sa visite Ă  OrlĂ©ans et au LÉO les 16 et 17 dĂ©cembre 2024 !
Invité par Marcel VOIA, le professeur Petrunia présentera ses recherches dans le cadre de la Chaire ILB CACL LEO "Transition énergétique et transformation des modÚles économiques".

RĂ©sumĂ© de son article : "In this paper, we use data tracking consumer movements to assess the impact of government policies on activities at food and drinking establishments. In particular, we compare four Canadian cities - Ottawa, Gatineau, Toronto and Montreal - to assess the effects of Provincial stringency measures and infection waves on customer visit counts and active business counts. These four cities allow the following comparisons: (i) Ottawa-Gatineau as border cities; (ii) Toronto-Montreal as non-border cities; and (iii) Ottawa-Gatineau differences versus Toronto-Montreal differences. The Ottawa-Gatineau difference in visit counts spikes during waves of infection surges. In comparison, the Toronto-Montreal difference shrinks and typically becomes negative during infection surges with the exception of the first infection wave in March-June 2020. Combining these implies the difference in the differences increases during increases during infection surges. Further analysis looks at the impact of both an ’in person’ dining and overall stringency indices and shows that the overall stringency index has a much bigger impact on activity than the ’in person dining’ stringency index. The results indicate that the impact of the overall stringency index is reduced for the Ottawa/Gatineau border cities."

Poster Robert Petrunia Chaire_2024_page-0001

Conférence « Crise(s) et globalisation »

Date : Jeudi 05 & vendredi 06 décembre 2024 à 09h00
Lieu : HĂŽtel Dupanloup

Organisateur(s) : LÉO - CRJP

Conférence financée par le projet APR IA CriseReactGlobal - Convention 2021 00149486
Des thématiques liées aux crises et aux réponses des économies dans un contexte de mondialisation.
Des conférences pléniÚres, des tables rondes et des sessions de présentation d'articles seront organisées lors de cette conférence sur les thÚmes suivants :
  • Crises et commerce international
  • Changement climatique et environnement
  • IntĂ©gration financiĂšre, marchĂ©s financiers et crises rĂ©centes

Keynotes speakers :

  • GrĂ©goire Leray, UniversitĂ© de Nice
  • Camelia Minoiu, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
  • SĂ©bastien Jean, CAE, CNAM

Urban Growth and Climatic Shocks: A study of Sub-Saharan African cities

Date : Jeudi | 2024-11-28 Ă  12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses

Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire doctorant du LÉO

Robert Reinhardt (CES, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Sub-Saharan African cities are among the fastest-growing in the world but face significant climatic risks. This study investigates how exposure to extreme climate events has shaped the economic, demographic, and physical growth of ~6 000 cities in the region between 2000 and 2020. Using high-resolution remote sensing data combined with a dynamic panel and event-study approach, I find that climate-driven shocks lead to accelerated informal settlement expansion and reduced economic growth, particularly in medium-sized cities with low resilience and higher poverty. In addition these shocks fuel food price inflation highlighting welfare implications. Finally, the paper documents heterogeneous responses to a chosen set of shocks depending on the location of businesses and households within cities. These findings underscore the need for urban policies also in mid-sized cities that enhance resilience to climate risks, particularly through improved adaptation to heat and through economic support for vulnerable urban populations.

Going green: Will the r-star shine brighter?

Date : Jeudi | 2024-11-21 Ă  12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses

Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire du LÉO

Marie JEZEQUEL-ROYER (LEO, UniversitĂ© d’OrlĂ©ans)

This paper assesses the impact of an orderly environmental transition (ET) on the Euro area natural rate of interest (r*), which is a key benchmark for monetary policy, financing conditions and the social cost of carbon. To this end, we use high-frequency identification methods, isolating carbon policy shocks from EU ETS futures price variations around regulatory announcements. We also use a finance-based r* derived from dynamic term structure models estimated on the prices of inflation-indexed bonds. We find a significant and persistent increase in r* following a positive carbon policy shock. Specifically, according to our estimates, reaching a carbon price of €550 per ton of CO2 to reach Net Zero by 2050 could raise r* by 1.6 percentage points, ceteris paribus.

Golden cities? Artisanal mining and urbanization in Africa

Date : Jeudi | 2024-11-14 Ă  12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses

Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire doctorant du LÉO

Edouard PIGNEDE (PSAE, AgroParisTech)

This article documents how the extraction of a labor-intensive commodity triggered urbanization in smaller, more remote, and poorer cities in sub-Saharan Africa. We leverage exogenous variation in the value of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASgM) activities – a widespread source of livelihood heavily dependent on the international market price – in a comprehensive panel of fine-grained cells starting in 1975. We find that locations with greater exposure to ASgM experience higher population growth and the emergence of more cities. These effects are driven by smaller cities (less than 50k inhabitants) and are particularly pronounced in isolated zones with a limited initial population. Focusing on cities, those with more ASgM tend to exhibit lower living standards and an employment structure still largely geared towards agriculture.

IMF Delegation

Date : Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Lieu : Thesis Room - UFR DEG Orléans

Organisateur(s) : LÉO

We are excited to announce that our laboratory will soon host representatives from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This visit presents a valuable opportunity to share our research projects and innovations.



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Algo-Rhythm Unplugged: Effects of explaining algorithmic recommendations on music discovery

Date : Jeudi | 2024-10-17 Ă  12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses

Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire doctorant du LÉO

Mehdi LOUAFI (LEO, UniversitĂ© d’OrlĂ©ans)

Music streaming services make massive use of algorithms in their music recommender systems (MRS) to guide users to tracks that they are likely to enjoy. However, the black-box nature of these algorithms makes them difficult for users to understand, both in terms of how they work and the music they predict. The field of explainable AI (XAI), and in particular its “explanation” side, has emerged to make the uses of AI (including MRSs) more comprehensible to users. This paper aims to observe, using a laboratory experiment, whether the explanation of an MRS algorithm induces a change in discovery behavior on music streaming services. In a theoretical framework, we model two types of user discovery behavior, namely “study” and “browse” behaviors. We then test in the lab the explanation effects of these behaviors by explaining a simplified “semi-personalized” MRS and measuring the relative listening time of the tracks. Data shows no average effect induced by the explanations, but we observe a differentiated impact of explanations based on the treatment intensity (i.e. the time spent reading them). The more individuals are treated, the more they listen to the tracks, reinforcing the “study” behavior.

First-year PhD. Students Presentation (2/2)

Date : Jeudi | 2024-10-10 Ă  12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses

Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire du LÉO


S P E C I A L       S E S S I O N


Three new PhD. Students from the LEO (Université d'Orléans) will present their thesis projects. Each of them will give a 15 minutes presentation followed by a 15 minutes discussion :

  • Martin CimetiĂšre (Macro/Finance Team)
  • Marie Jezequel-Royer (International Economics/Sustainable Development Team)
  • Elhadji Mamadou Guene (Econometrics Team)


First-year PhD. Students Presentation (1/2)

Date : Jeudi | 2024-10-03 Ă  12h30
Lieu : Salle des thĂšses

Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire du LÉO


S P E C I A L       S E S S I O N


Two new PhD. Students from the LEO (Université d'Orléans) will present their thesis projects. Each of them will give a 15 minutes presentation followed by a 15 minutes discussion :

  • AĂŻssata Ousmane Dicko (International Economics/Sustainable Development Team)
  • Saniya Ali Zahed (International Economics/Sustainable Development Team)


SĂ©lection du projet AESOP dans le cadre de l’AAPG 2024 de l’ANR

FĂ©licitations Ă  BĂ©atrice BOULU-RESHEF et Ă  tous nos partenaires pour la sĂ©lection du projet AESOP – AvancĂ©es sur les prĂ©fĂ©rences Ă©thiques et sociales dans le cadre de l’AAPG 2024 de l’ANR (Appel Ă  projets gĂ©nĂ©rique 2024)

Ce projet est portĂ© par Fabrice Le Lec, LEM (UniversitĂ© de Lille) en partenariat avec le CREM (UniversitĂ© de Rennes 1), le LÉO (UniversitĂ© d’OrlĂ©ans) et le BETA (UniversitĂ© de Strasbourg).


Université de Lille
Universite de Strasbourg