

Innovation, information, lobby and tort law under uncertainty

Date : Mardi | 2023-04-04 à 12h30 Lieu : Salle des thèses Lien TEAMS : Cliquez ici pour rejoindre le séminaire de recherche du LÉO Caroline ORSET (AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay) Recent environmental policies favour the ‘pollutant-payer’ Principle. This principle points out the pollutant financial liability for potential incidents induced by its activities. In parallel, firms are pushed to innovate in order to remain in competition, but investing in technological innovations generates uncertainty on the future returns, as well as on […]

Privacy and Algorithmic Delegated Investment : An Experimental Approach

Date : Jeudi | 2023-04-06 à 12h30 Lieu : Salle B.103 Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le séminaire doctorant du LÉO Mehdi LOUAFI (LEO, Université d’Orléans) The exchange of private data associated with the growing use of algorithms and artificial intelligence has significantly grown since the beginning of the 21st century. Households are marginally involved in this sharing process and are, most often, unaware of the existence of these exchanges and their purpose. Due to the transversality of […]

Première édition des Journées Doctorales du LÉO (Clermont-Auvergne, Orléans, Tours)

Date : Du jeudi 1er au vendredi 02 juin 2023 Lieu : UFR DEG – Orléans – Salle des thèses Organisateur(s) : LÉO Dans un contexte de laboratoire tri-sites, le LÉO organisera cette année sa première édition des Journées Doctorales du LÉO (Clermont-Auvergne, Orléans, Tours). Ces journées d’échanges ont pour objectif d’accompagner les doctorants et de créer des synergies entre tous les membres du laboratoire des différents sites. Consultez le programme des 1ères doctorales du LEO

 Estimating large Markowitz portfolios’ spanning set

Date : Mardi | 2022-12-06 à 12h30 Lieu : Salle des thèses Rosnel Sessinou (HEC Montréal) Estimating large Markowitz portfolios implies estimating high-dimensional moments of stock returns,whose large number increases estimation errors. Thus, managing such large portfolios can be burdensomeas their transaction costs increase with estimation errors. Nevertheless, researchers have recently providedempirical evidence of the sparsity of the mean-variance efficient frontier of the U.S. stock market. Thisresult pleads for applying the canonical parsimony principle in the estimation of Markowitz portfolios.However, […]

Tunnelling and Related Party Transactions: Evidence from Political Turnover and State-owned Enterprises in China 

Date : Mardi | 2022-12-06 à 12h30 Lieu : Salle des thèses Sandy Suardy (University of Wollongong) This paper examines whether a government can play an important role in determining a firm’s related party transactions associated with tunnelling. Through the lens of political turnover in 31 Chinese provinces for 2000-2018, we show that political turnover is negatively associated with state-owned enterprises’ (SOEs’) related party transactions (RPTs) but has no impact on non-SOEs’. Political turnover engenders uncertainty to SOEs, which curtail […]

Inclusive Education and Health Performance in Sub Saharan Africa 

Date : Mardi | 2023-02-28 à 12h30 Lieu : Salle des thèses Jean-Claude KOULADOUM (University of Moundou, Chad)   The study assesses the efect of inclusive education on health performance in 48 Sub Saharan African countries from 2000 to 2020. The study adopted the Driscoll/Kraay technique to address cross-sectional dependence and the GMM strategy to address potential endogeneity. The study employed three indicators of health performance which are the total life expectancy, the female life expectancy and the male life […]

Gender differences in digital and financial literacy of cryptoassets owners ?

Date : Mardi | 2023-03-14 à 12h30 Lieu : Salle des thèses Daniela BALUTEL (LEO & York University) We study gender differences in the digital and financial literacy of Bitcoin owners using microdata from the Bank of Canada’s 2021 Bitcoin Omnibus Survey. We measure digital literacy using the Bitcoin knowledge score by Henry et al. (2018). The « Big Three » questions of Lusardi and Mitchell (2014) provide a measure of financial literacy. Most Bitcoin owners have both low digital and financial […]

Market-Dependent Preferences, Positive and Negative Network Effects and Welfare

Date : Mardi | 2023-03-28 à 12h30 Lieu : Salle des thèses Yassine BADRA (Panthéon – Assas University) This article specifies the conditions on the utility function and on the cost function for which congestion or production overcapacity emerge in a market when information is perfect and prices are flexible. Consumers are of two types: some appreciate a large production markets, some don’t. A typology underlines the shape of utility functions and cost functions which generates an optimal production overcapacity […]

« Quelles stratégies pour répondre aux crises dans les Pays Émergents et en Développement  ? » colloque organisé par le LÉO et le laboratoire ENVIE

Date : du jeudi 25 au vendredi 26 mai 2023 Lieu : Hôtel Dupanloup Organisateur(s) : LÉO – Laboratoire ENVIE (Nabeul – TUNISIE) La deuxième édition du colloque international en économie et gestion est organisée par le LÉO et le laboratoire ENVIE de la faculté des sciences économiques et de gestion de Nabeul (Tunisie) et porte sur le thème « Quelles stratégies de développement pour atténuer les crises actuelles ? » Date limite d’envoi : 25 mars 2023 Adresses de soumissions : […]