

Untalented but Successful

Mardi | 2009-11-10 O. GERGAUD – Vincenzo VERARDI – Cyrille PIATECKI When studying the problem of the emergence of superstars, scholars face dif-…culties in measuring talent, obtaining con…dential data on earnings, and …ndingeconometric techniques that are robust to the presence of outliers (superstars).In this paper we use a quasi-experimental dataset from the Pokemon trading cardgame in which (i) there is no unidenti…able heterogeneity, (ii) rarity can be sepa-rated from talent and (iii) objective earnings are observable through transactionprices. Using semi-parametric […]

Labour Standards and Migration: do Labour Conditions Matter ?

Mardi | 2009-10-13 Rémi BAZILLIER – Yasser Moullan – Thierry BAUDASSE We study in this paper the interactions between migration rates and the level of labourstandards. We use an augmented version of the Grogger and Hanson (2008) model, addingthe level of working conditions into the specification. Our hypothesis is that the differentialof working conditions may be a complementary determinant of migration. In a first time, wetest the influence of labour standards in countries of origin using a database on emigrationrates […]