

The FORWAST project : Design of Future Waste Policies for a Cleaner Europe

Mardi | 2010-04-20 B103 B. BRANDT – H. BUSCHMANN – Hans DAXB ECK – Bruno LEMIERE – J. SCHMIDT – S. VAXELAIRE – J. VILLENEUVE – B. WEIDEMA – libre In the wider context of sustainable development and environment protection, theconnections between the use of natural resources, their accumulation in the economyand waste generation and management, need to be more clearly understood. Wastemanagement policies may affect potentially all sectors. Their influence on the use ofnatural resources must also account for […]

The Pernicious Effects of Contaminated Data in Risk Management

Mardi | 2010-03-16 L. FRESARD – Christophe PERIGNON – A. WILHELMSSON – libre Banks hold capital to guard against unexpected surge in losses and long freezes infinancial markets. The minimum level of capital is set by banking regulators as a function ofthe banks’ own estimates of their risk exposures. As a result, a great challenge for both banksand regulators is to validate internal risk models. We show that a large fraction of US andinternational banks uses contaminated data when testing […]

The Regional Distribution of Public Employment: Theory and Evidence.

Mardi | 2010-03-09 B103 S. G. KESSING – Chiara STROZZI – Camélia TURCU The regional distribution of public employment is affected bythe role of public employment for inter-regional redistribution.We provide a theoretical framework that highlights the logic ofsuch policies and analyze the empirical evidence. Our empiricalstudy considers the regional distribution of public employmentusing regional data from 19 European countries. Using OLS aswell as IV estimations, we find significant results that public employmentis higher in regions that are poor relative to […]

The Choice of Adopting Inflation Targeting in Emerging Market Economies: Do Institutions Matter?

Mardi | 2010-02-23 B103 Yannick LUCOTTE – Grégory LEVIEUGE Over the last decade, a growing number of emerging market economies has adopted inflation targeting as monetary policy framework. In a recent paper, Freedman and Laxton (2009) ask the question “Why Inflation Targeting?”. This paper empirically investigates this question by analyzing a large set of institutional and political factors potentially associated with a country’s choice of IT in a sample of 50 emerging countries over the period of 1986-2005. Using a […]

Measuring Herding Intensity: a Hard Task

Mardi | 2010-02-09 B103 Raphaëlle BELLANDO – Mohamed AROURI Ce travail s’intéresse à la mesure traditionnelle de mimétisme proposée par Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (LSV) et remet en question sa construction. Frey, Herbst and Walter (2007) ont montré par des simulations de Monte Carlo que cet indicateur est biaisé en présence de mimétisme. Nous donnons uneexplication formelle à ce biais et proposons un indicateur corrigé de celui-ci. Nous examinons ensuite les propriétés de la nouvelle mesure proposée par Frey, Herbst […]