

Problem loans in the MENA countries: bank specific determinants and the role of the business and the institutional environment

Mardi | 2012-03-27 B103 Abdelkader BOUDRIGA – Neila BOULILA TAKTAK – Sana JELLOULI The paper empirically analyses the determinants of problem loans and the potential impact of both business and institutional environ¬ment on credit risk exposure of banks in the MENA region. Looking at a sample of 46 banks in 12 countries over the period 2002-2006, we find that, among bank specific factors, high credit growth, loan loss provisions, and foreign participation coming from developed countries reduce the NPL level. […]

Benefits and limitations of long climate commitments to trigger Investment (article non disponible)

Mardi | 2012-03-20 B103 Audrey LAUDE Limit climate change requires deep transformations of the energetic system and thereby heavy investments. Nevertheless, long-term climate targets and the means to reach them are still largely undefined, as evidenced by Copenhagen agreement that has failed to impose a binding commitment. More generally, outcomes of negotiation rounds are hardly predictable. This regulatory uncertainty hampers investments because investors can often postponed their decision easily. Our purpose is to analyze how this uncertainty affects investor’s behavior, […]

Employment vulnerability in Europe: is there a migration effect? (Article non disponible)

Mardi | 2012-03-13 B103 Rémi BAZILLIER – Cristina BOBOC-TRANDAS – Oana CALAVREZO One of the most salient evolutions of labour markets in Europe is the increasing number of atypical job contracts and an increase in job turnovers. Therefore, the concept of employment vulnerability may be accurate to describe current evolutions. Moreover, in the context of an increased mobility of workers between European countries, emigration can be seen as a way to escape from employment vulnerability at home. Our objective in […]

A theoretical and Empirical Comparison of Systemic Risk Measures: MES versus Delta CoVaR

Mardi | 2012-02-21 B103 Sylvain BENOIT – Gilbert COLLETAZ – Christophe HURLIN We derive several popular systemic risk measures in a common framework and show that they can be expressed as transformations of market risk measures (e.g., beta). We also derive conditions under which the di¤erent measures lead to similar rankings of systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs). In an empirical analysis of US financial institutions, we show that (1) di¤erent systemic risk measures identify di¤erent SIFIs and that (2) firm […]

How Far Away is an Intangible ? Services FDI and Distance

Mardi | 2012-02-07 B103 Ronald B. DAVIES – Amélie GUILLIN Foreign direct investment (FDI) in services has grown significantly in recent years. Evidence of spatial relationships in FDI decisions have been provided for goods manufacturing by utilizing physical distance-based measures of trade costs. This paper investigates spatial interactions for services FDI using several distance measures, including physical distance, genetic distance, and transport time. Across different measures of distance, the traditional determinants of outbound FDI activity remain valid for services. We […]

Coping with the Recent Financial Crisis, did inflation Targeting Make any Difference?

Mercredi | 2012-01-18 B103 Armand FOUEJIEU AZANGUE Countries have faced one of the greatest economic shocks recently. The effects of the financial crisis went largely among the financial markets and hit the real economy. The aim of this study is to investigate whether inflation targeting helped countries which implement this monetary policy strategy to perform better during the 2008/2009 financial crisis. Based on the literature, we first present some arguments suggesting that inflation targeters can be expected to do better […]