

Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities and Transboundary Pollution

Mardi | 2013-12-17 Sully 5 Julien CIUCCI – Marie-Antoinette MAUPERTUIS – Dominique PRUNETTI Di¤erent empirical studies con…rm that individuals consider environmental quality in their location choices. Nonetheless, little attention has been devoted to the role of transboundary pollution in the agglomeration or spreading of economic activities. This contribution introduces transboundary pollution in the …eld of New Economic Geography providing an extension of Ottaviano’s Core-Periphery Model (Ottaviano, 2001). In terms of long run equilibria, the introduction of pollution to the footloose […]

Thou Shall Not Work Alone (version provisoire)

Mardi | 2013-12-10 salle des thèses Damien BESANCENOT – Kim HUYNH – Francisco SERRANITO This paper focuses on the properties of the matching process which leads to scienti…c collaboration. In a …rst step, it builds a theoretical model to describe the intertemporal choice of researchers faced to successive possibilities of co-authoring papers. In a second part, the paper empirically asseses the properties of the model’s optimal solution. The main empirical result is that the number and the quality of a […]

Extreme Values in Financial Economics: Empirical Observations and Theoretical Choices (Article non disponible)

Mardi | 2013-12-03 salle des thèses Franck JOVANOVIC – Christophe SCHINCKUS Franck Jovanovic (TELUQ et LEO) présentera en séminaire un chapitre de son livre sur l’éconophysique et ses liens avec l’économie financière. Le plan provisoire de son livre co-écrit avec Christophe Schinckus est le suivant: Chapter 1. Foundations of financial economics Chapter 2. Extreme values in financial economics: empirical observations and theoretical choices Chapter 3. When Complexity met finance in the 1990s Chapter 4. The creation of econophysics as a […]

Macroeconomic Determinants of European Stock and Government Bond Correlations: A Tale of Two Regions

Mardi | 2013-11-19 Sully 5 Erica R. PEREGO – Wessel N. VERMEULEN This paper studies the dynamic correlation between stocks, between government bonds and between stocks and bonds within the Euro-zone in the last decade. In order to better understand the development of the financial market we argue that it is necessary to analyse all such relations simultaneously rather than focus at one. We firstly calculate the dynamic correlation for the previous asset classes. Results presented at the asset-region level, […]

Carbon Price Drivers in the Second Phase of the EU ETS

Mardi | 2013-11-12 salle des thèses Djamel KIRAT This paper investigates the long-term and short-term determinants of the carbon price during the second phase of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS (2008-2012)). As-suming markets efficiency, I examine the extent to which the allowance price can be explained by marginal abatement costs. Specifically, I derive and estimate a structural model of allowance price while accounting for two structural breaks occurred on the carbon spot price series on October 2008 […]

Environmental Responsibility and FDI : do Firms Relocate their Irresponsibility Abroad

Mardi | 2013-11-05 B103 Rémi BAZILLIER – Sophie HATTE – Julien VAUDAY The goal of this paper is to study the influence of corporate environmental responsibility(CER) and national environmental standards on the location choices of the 600 biggest European firms. By using the environmental score provided by Vigeo, we are able to test the influence of the environmental performances of firms. We find a negative interaction effect between these environmental performances and national environmental regulations. This result is only valid […]

L’économie politique de l’innovation environnementale : paradoxes et ambiguïtés de la croissance verte

Mardi | 2013-10-22 salle des thèses Xavier GALIEGUE L’innovation environnementale qui dépasse le seul domaine de l’innovation des éco-industries, connaît à l’heure actuelle un développement considérable. Pourtant ses effets sur la pression environnementale restent encore limités par la persistance d’ « effets rebond », liés la rétroaction exercée par l’amélioration de l’efficience dans l’utilisation des ressources sur leur consommation globale. L’innovation a d’autre part tendance à augmenter la pression sur l’environnement, par le développement des pratiques d’obsolescence programmée, notamment dans […]