

Dépenses publiques et croissance économique dans les pays de la CEMAC (Article non disponible)

Mercredi | 2014-05-07 B103 Constant FOUOPI L’objectif de la présente étude est d’évaluer l’influence des dépenses publiques sur la croissance économique dans les pays membre de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire d’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC). En particulier, il s’agit d’expliquer l’influence de la composition des dépenses publiques sur la croissance économiques dans ces pays. Beaucoup de travaux qui ont exploré la relation dépenses publiques et croissance économique mais la mise en relation de la composition de ces dépenses publiques et la […]

Sovereign Debt during the Crisis: Comparative Analysis between Eastern and Southern European Countries

Mardi | 2014-05-06 Salle des thèses Tsvetelina MARIVONA – Nikolay NENOVSKY This article studies budgetary positions and trends in sovereign debt levels in two groups of EU Member States during the global financial and economic crisis. We argue that current fiscal positions and trends in sovereign debt in the Baltic states and Bulgaria are above all due to the implemented exchange rate mechanism whereas in the southern European countries and Ireland it is the institutional framework of the eurozone that […]

EU Funds Absorption by Romanian Local Public Administration

Mardi | 2014-04-29 Sully 5 Attila GYORGY – Emilian-Constantin MIRICESCU The paper focuses on Romanian experiences regarding the EU funds absorption by administrative-territorial units. Local public authorities implement EU projects in order to develop their communities and to satisfy the people needs by public goods and services. The main issues that we will study in our paper are: (i) the evolution of EU fund absorption in local budgets, (ii) EU project financing throughout local budgets, (iii) the possibilities and opportunities […]

High Public Debt in the Euro Area: Still a Fact

Mardi | 2014-04-29 Sully 5 Rui Henrique ALVES – Andrea STOIAN – Francisco SERRANITO In this paper, we investigate the issues regarding the stabilization of public debt and its decrease down to 60 per cent of GDP for selected european union countries using the primary balance derived from the public debt dynamic model as a leading indicator. We find that there is a high probability of stabilizing public debt at its 2014 level conditional on achieving an increased GDP growth […]

Labour Share and Development

Mardi | 2014-04-15 Sully 5 Paul MAAREK – Elsa ORGIAZZI We highlight a U-shaped relationship between development and the labor share of income. We exploit the within dimension of a panel dataset for the wage bill and value added in the manufacturing sector for developing countries. Data is available at the aggregate manufacturing level and also at the desaggregate level for 28 manufacturing sub sectors. We show that the U-shaped pattern of the labor share we observe at the aggregate […]

La contribution anormale de l’investissement résidentiel français à la croissance du PIB

Mercredi | 2014-04-09 B103 Asma BEN SAAD-LAKHAL L’impact de l’immobilier sur la conjoncture économique, pendant les conditions favorables tout comme lors des crises, se diffère d’un pays à un autre. Les caractéristiques économiques, les spécificités institutionnelles,l’intervention des autorités et les conditions de financement propres à chaque pays conditionnent le poids de l’investissement résidentiel dans l’évolution économique. Dans ce papier, nous nous intéressons à la contribution de l’investissement résidentiel Français autour de la période de ralentissement mesuré par la méthodologie de […]

Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Data Pooled Over Time: Towards and Adapted Modelling Approach

Mardi | 2014-04-08 Sully 5 Jean DUBE – Diègo LEGROS This paper addresses the possible problem related to using strictly spatial modelling techniques for spatial data pooled over time. For these data, such as real estate, the spatial dimension is present, but subject to constraints related to temporal dimension. Three empirical examples are presented to investigate the impact of neglecting the temporal dimension in spatial analysis and to show how such an approach overestimates the pattern of spatial dependence, and […]

Forecasting Employability in Earth Sciences: The CIPEGE Tool (Job Market Séminaires)

Mardi | 2014-04-01 Sully 5 E. COURTIAL – Christelle GARROUSTE Energy prices and environmental policies influence more than ever employment trends across the world. The purpose of this paper is to develop a strategy to enhance the employability of French graduates in a eld that is both a key driver and a signifi cant target of these new trends, namely Earth Sciences. The aim is to provide French universities with a predictive tool to adjust e fficiently their skills’ supply […]

Lending Money to the  » Executioners » : the Case of the 1906 Russian Loan (Version préliminaire)

Mardi | 2014-03-25 Salle des thèses Stéphanie COLLET – Kim OOSTERLINCK The impact of sovereign debt repudiation is relatively well documented. The market reactions to warnings regarding a repudiation have however never been investigated. Are organized protests and the threat of a possible future repudiation perceived as credible by the markets? This paper analyzes the case of the Russian 1906 loan. Protests were staged against the loan which was viewed by the opposition to the autocratic tsarist regime as a […]