

Le jeu de langage de la science économique et sa performativité : A propos du débat sur l’involontarité du chômage

Mardi | 2015-02-03 Sully 5, 16h-17h20 Christophe LAVIALLE Le papier revient sur le débat autour du concept de chômage involontaire, et de son acceptabilité au sein de la science économique. Il montre que ce débat, tel qu’il a été recensé par De Vroey, et qui oppose fondamentalement Keynes et Lucas, renvoie à une série de questions épistémologiques sur le fonctionnement du langage de la science économique, et sa capacité à véhiculer de la connaissance. Ces questions relèvent, en amont de […]

Immigration and the South African Labour Market

Mardi | 2015-01-27 Sully 5, 16h-17h20 Christine FAUVELLE-AYMAR This paper proposes an analysis of the impact of immigration on the situation of native workers in the labour market of South countries with an empirical study devoted to the analysis of the South African labour market.The paper first presents the methodology and the main results of the empirical literature on the impact of immigration on labour market. This question has been largely examined in the context of migration to North countries […]

What Makes Cities More Productive? Evidence on the Role of Urban Governance from 5 OECD Countries

Mardi | 2015-01-20 Sully 5 – 16h-17h20 Rudiger AHREND – Emily FARCHY – Ioannis KAPLANIS – Alexander C. LEMBCKE This paper estimates agglomeration benefits across five OECD countries, and represents the first empirical analysis of how metropolitan governance structures might affect city productivity. The comparability of results in a multi-country setting is supported through the use of a new internationally harmonised definition of cities based on economic linkages rather than administrative boundaries. In line with the literature, the analysis confirms […]

Estimating the Effect of Economic shocks on Governance

Mercredi | 2015-01-14 salle B103, 12h-14h Ismaël ISSIFOU Empirical evidence suggests that economic downturn is a key driver of the improvement in governance quality. This paper uses the commodity exports price growth rate, the net barter terms of trade and the exports growth rate to identify the effect of economic upturnon various aspects of governance. We find that positive economic shocks induce better governance. Moreover, our results suggest that governance quality depends on the type of shocks that prevail in […]

A Diagnostic Criterion for Approximate Factor Structure

Mardi | 2015-01-13 Sully 5, 16h-17h20 Patrick GAGLIARDINI – Elisa OSSOLA – Olivier SCAILLET We build a simple diagnostic criterion for approximate factor structure in large cross-sectional equity datasets. Given a model for asset returns with observable factors, the criterion checks whether the error terms are weakly cross-sectionally correlated or share at least one unobservable common factor. It only requires computing the largest eigenvalue of the empirical cross-sectional covariance matrix of the residuals of a large unbalanced panel. The panel […]

Euro zone sovereign crisis spillover to real sector: Is banking sector liquidity a major conduit ?

Mercredi | 2014-12-17 salle B103, 12h-14h Hadi KHALIL – Syed Muhammad Noaman Ahmed SHAH In this paper, we try to analyze the spillover effects of sovereign debt crisis in Euro-area on non-financial corporate sector through banks liquidity creation transmission channel. The existing empirical literature mainly treats the sovereign-bank or bank-corporate nexus while gauging the spillover effects of vulnerability in the said sectors. The current study is an attempt to fill the gap and provides a novel approach to view the […]

Flexibility in the Market for International Carbon Credits and Price Dynamics Difference with European Allowances

Mardi | 2014-12-16 Sully 5, 16h-17h20 Djamel KIRAT – Claire GAVARD We analyze the price dynamics of European allowances and international carbon credits in the second phase of the European carbon market. We develop and use a model combining fundamental drivers associated with the demand for quotas by installations and risk-return considerations related to the financial nature of carbon permits. We estimate it with autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models. Although carbon permits present some characteristics of financial assets, we find that […]

Mobile Phone in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impact on Technological Innovation and Economic Development

Mercredi | 2014-12-10 salle B103, 12h-14h Awa TRAORE Abstract: Major African cities came recently in the age of digital communications, mainly through the uprising of mobile phone networks which have experienced an impressive growth throughout the continent. The development of the continent mobile telecommunication market is providing many advantages in the economic, social and human fields, changing rural and urban populations access to information in most of developing countries, including Sub-Saharan Africa countries. The telecommunications sector has then been coming […]

Financial distress prediction: The case of French small and medium firms

Mercredi | 2014-12-03 salle B103, 12h-14h Nada MSELMI Abstract Financial distress prediction is a central issue in empirical finance that has drawn a lot of research interests in the literature. This paper aims to predict the financial distress of French small and medium firms using Logit model, Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine techniques. Empirical results indicate that one year before financial distress, Support Vector Machine is the best classifier with an overall accuracy of 88.57%. Two years before […]

Financial openness, aggregate consumption, and threshold effects

Mardi | 2014-12-02 Sully 5, 16h-17h20 Daria ONORI – Marwân-al-Qays BOUSMAH We analyze the influence of financial openness on the level of aggregate consumption, a research question which has been left surprisingly unexplored by the previous literature. We construct a complete and balanced panel dataset of 88 countries for the period 1980-2010, and then differentiate between four groups of countries. Models for non stationary heterogeneous panels, as well as panel threshold regression models, are used to estimate the determinants of […]