

Timing and duration of inflation targeting regimes

Mardi | 2015-10-06 Sully5; 16h-17h20 Peter CLAEYS Central banks in G7 countries shifted to unconventional policy measures in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis, when faced with economic slack, financial instability and fiscal trouble. This shift ended a spell of rules-based time consistent monetary policy that started in the mid-1980s. I argue that substantial economic, political and financial risks put pressures on the continued support for a monetary regime. Central banks may be forced to adopt policies with no option […]

Le Pacte de Stabilité en Vigueur dans la Zone UEMOA Entrave-t-il le Rôle Contra-cyclique des Politiques Macroéconomiques?

Mercredi | 2015-09-30 B103 à 12h Ahmed Al Mahdi SAGNA Ce chapitre cherche à évaluer l’influence des politiques macroéconomiques, particulièrement les politiques budgétaires sur l’activité économique des Etats membres de l’UMOA. Ce faisant, on suppose une non linéarité des effets de la politique budgétaire sur l’activité économiqueen fonction de l’évolution du niveau de la dette publique et du niveau de déficit public. Compte tenu du délai nécessaire pour opérer des modifications dans l’orientation de la politique budgétaire, nous estimons que […]

Recruteurs sous tensions. Discrimination et diversité au prisme de registres argumentaires enchevêtrés

Mardi | 2015-09-29 sully 5 David MELO – Régis Cortéséro – sylvain KERBOURC’H – Alexandra POLI Alors que la plupart des travaux sur les pratiques discriminatoires dans le recrutement identifient celles-ci à une logique d’action unique, cet article tente, à partir de 57 entretiens réalisés avec des recruteurs issus de secteurs diversifiés, de proposer un cadre d’analyse alternatif. Les exigences d’équité qui pèsent sur le recrutement sont prises au sérieux et permettent de décrire une expérience du recrutement aux prises […]

Thèses et HDR 2015

Thèses soutenues en 2015 BEN BRAHAM Zahra « Recommandations Boursières : Analyse sur la Bourse des Valeurs Mobilières de Tunis » (Co-tutelle, sous les directions de : R. BELLANDO et A. BOUDRIGA), soutenue le 18 décembre 2015. KHALIL Hadi « Le risque de liquidité bancaire en France : gestion, mesure et analyse critique de la réglementation de Bâle III » (Sous la direction de : J-.P. POLLIN), soutenue le 17 décembre 2015. KHALIL Fadi « Analyse économétrique de l’exogéneïté et de la non-causalité […]

Is Government Debt a Vamp? 
Public Finance in a Transylvanian Growth Model

Mardi | 2015-09-22 Sully 5 de 16h à 17h20 Patrick VILLIEU – Maxime MENUET The vampire metaphor has been used in numerous papers describing biological interactions between two populations. Such a metaphor translates well to a standard endogenous growth model with public debt. Public debt can be assimilated to a Vamp, whose blood-sucking behavior corresponds to the harmful effect of the debt burden on productive public expenditures. However, the complete destruction of public debt in the long-run is shown to […]

Success after Failure : The Recovery Margin of Trade in U.S. Imports

Mardi | 2015-07-08 Sully 5, 11h15-12h15 Usha NAIR-REICHERT The recovery of failed trading relationships (identified as unique exporter-inporter-HS6 pairings) after a period of dormancy is puzzling because of evidence in the trade literature about hysteresis in trade and the existence of significant sunk costs associated with both establishing new trade relationships (NT) and recovering dormant trading relationships (RT). The quality of trade recovery is a very important question as there is evidence in the literature that the quality of the […]

Matching dynamics and optima in a multi-agents labor market setting

Mardi | 2015-06-30 Sully 5, 10h30-12h Christelle GARROUSTE – Cyrille PIATECKI – Yvan STROPPA One of the greatest difficulties meet on the labor market is that it ensures that all the people who want to work can find a job. But it is not the only one. A second difficulty consists to find a social arrangement which approaches as much as possible the social optimum without forgetting that the optimum can be reached with the rejection of certain candidacies.It seems […]

Econometric Methods and Problems in New Classical Macroeconomics

Mardi | 2015-06-23 Sully 5, 16h-17h20 Francesco SERGI The purpose of this contribution to epistemology and history of recent macroeconomics is to construct a clear understanding about econometric methods and problems in New Classical macroeconomics. Most historical work focused on theoretical or policy implication aspects of this research program, set in motion by Robert Lucas in the early seventies. To the opposite, the empirical and econometric works of New Classical macroeconomics had received little attention.We focus especially on the contributions […]

Assessing the role of transmission channels in sovereign risk: a spatial econometrics approach

Mercredi | 2015-06-17 B103 à 12h CYRILLE DOSSOUGOIN – JEAN-YVES GNABO – Nicolas DEBARSY The recent financial crisis has shed light on how fast sovereign risk can spread from one economy to another as well as on the dramatic role macroeconomic and financial transmission channels could play for the worldwide economic stability. In the case of Europe for instance, the sovereign debt-related turmoil in Greece was rapidly transmitted to other euro-area countries as materialized by the sharp increase in bond […]

Who is Buying? Fuelwood Collection in Rural India

Mardi | 2015-06-16 Sully 5, 16h-17h20 Ujjayant CHAKRAVORTY – Martino PELLI – Anna RISCH Fuelwood collection is often cited as the most important cause of deforestation in many developing countries. There is a significant literature on fuelwood markets but almost no studies on who is using the fuelwood collected. Is the fuelwood collected in rural areas used locally or by people living in nearby towns and cities? The answer to this question has implications for both environment and energy policy. […]