

Taylor rules, central bank preferences and inflation targeting

Mardi | 2016-03-08 16-17h20 sully 05 Juan PAEZ-FARRELL The objective of this paper is to infer the policy preferences of three inflation targeting central banks, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, using an estimated New Keynesian small open economy model. While I assume that the monetary authorities optimise, I depart from previous research by assuming that monetary policy is implemented via simple Taylor-type rules, as suggested by most of the empirical literature. I then derive the weights in the objective function […]

Countercyclical versus Procyclical Taylor Principles

Mardi | 2016-03-01 16h-17h20 Sully05 Jean-Bernard CHATELAIN – Kirsten RALF Assuming inflation is a forward variable in Taylor (1999) model, this paper finds opposite policy rule recommendations with countercyclical policy rule parameters (Taylor principle: inflation rule larger than one and bounded upwards) in the case of optimal policy under commitment versus pro-cyclical policy rule parameters (inflation rule parameter below zero) in the case of discretionary policy. For the observed high inertia of the Fed with tiny variations of the nominal […]

Understanding the Decision Making Process of Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Case of Temasek

Mardi | 2016-02-23 16-17h20 Sully-05 Malik KERKOUR – Jean-Yves GNABO – Christelle LECOURT – Helene REYMOND Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) have been increasingly active over the past decade, raising concern from governments regarding their actual motives and potential cross-border stakes in national strategic sectors. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the existing literature to understand better the decisions taken by this new class of investors. The whole process of investment decision strategy is complex in the sense […]

Life Cycle Response to Health Status

Mardi | 2016-02-09 Salle Sully 5, 16h00 à 17h20 This paper studies the lifetime effects of exogenous changes in health insurance coverage (e.g. Medicare, PPACA, termination of employer-provided plans) on the dynamic optimal allocation (consumption, leisure, health expenditures), status (health, wealth and survival rates), and welfare. We solve, structurally estimate, and simulate a parsimonious life cycle model with endogenous exposure to morbidity and mortality risks to analyze the impact of young (resp. old) insurance status conditional on old (resp. young) […]

Le projet associatif, multidimensionnel et obsolescent

Mercredi | 2016-02-03 B103. 12h Marie-Laure LE BERRIGAUD « L’association est indissociable d’un projet collectif déterminé par ses membres » (Laville, 2013). Les définitions académiques proposées par la littérature s’accordent presque toutes à dire que le projet est défini par une temporalité bornée. Cela signifie-t-il donc que le projet s’achève ? Peut-on parler d’aboutissement dans le cadre du projet associatif ? Notre recherche linguistique montre que le projet associatif peut se qualifier par plusieurs dimensions à temporalités différentes, dont l’une […]

Childhood Circumstances and Adulthood Outcomes: The Effects of Financial Problems

Mardi | 2016-02-02 16h00-17h20 en Sully 5 andrew CLARK – MARTA BARAZZETTA – CONCHITA D’AMBROSIO We here consider the adult cognitive and non-cognitive consequences of growing up with a mother who reported major financial problems. Data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children show that mother’s major financial problems are associated with worse cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes in adolescence, even after controlling for both income and a set of standard variables. Further, the major financial problems effect is […]