Corruption, institutional quality and growth
Mercredi | 2016-01-27 B103-12h Réda MARAKBI – Camélia TURCU A venir
Mercredi | 2016-01-27 B103-12h Réda MARAKBI – Camélia TURCU A venir
Mardi | 2016-01-26 Sully 5 de 16h à 17h20 Daria ONORI – Cyrille PIATECKI – Diana-Andrada FILIP This paper studies the relationship between property rights effectiveness, growth and welfare. To this end, we modify Gonzalez [13]’s endogenous growth model by assuming that the population is divided into two groups of consumers-producers: honest agents, who do not challenge the others property, and cheaters, who grab a part of honest people’ss production. The assumption of heterogeneous agents has many important consequences on […]
Mercredi | 2016-01-20 B103 à 12H Ismaël ISSIFOU A venir
Mardi | 2016-01-12 Sully 5 de 16 à 17h20 Olivier SCAILLET – Antonio COSMA – Stefano GALLUCCIO – Pederzoli PAOLA We introduce a fast and widely applicable numerical pricing method by recursive projections. We characterise its convergence speed. We find that the early exercise boundary of an American call option on a discrete dividend paying stock is higher under the Merton and Heston models than under the Black-Scholes model, as opposite to the continuous dividend yield case. A large database […]
Mardi | 2015-12-15 Sully 5 de 16h à 17h20 Igor BAGAYEV – Julie LOCHARD In this paper we test whether tighter EU environmental regulation fosters pollution havens in ECA countries. By making an assumption on which sectors are more affected by environmental regulation, we provide robust evidence that ECA polluting industries benefit from EU environmental stringency. Moreover, we propose an original and relevant variable that evaluates environmental regulation stringency and limits simultaneity issues, based on the EU Air Quality Framework […]
Mardi | 2015-12-08 Sully 05 de 16h à 17h20 Nicolas DEBARSY – Jean-Yves GNABO – Malik KERKOUR The aim of this paper is to identify the driving forces of Sovereign wealth funds’ investments. For this, we develop an original econometric framework that quantifies the role of spatial dependence in the location of investments, and uses the Inverse Hyperbolic Sine transformation of the dependent vari- able in a spatial panel model context. This transformation copes with two features of net flows, […]
Mercredi | 2015-12-02 B103 à 12h Hajare EL HADRI – Isabelle RABAUD – Daniel MIRZA A venir
Mardi | 2015-12-01 16h00-17h20 en Sully 5 Olivier DAVANNE Parmi les nombreuses fonctions du système financier, il y a en a une particulièrement importante : la fourniture de services de liquidité. Les détenteurs du patrimoine, les ménages ou les divers fonds d’investissement et institutions financières travaillant pour eux, aiment la liquidité. Le secteur financier est organisé pour répondre à ces exigences apparemment contradictoires et vise à permettre un financement stable des investissements tout en offrant de la flexibilité aux apporteurs […]
Mardi | 2015-11-24 Sully 5 de 15h00 à16h20 Olivier BARGAIN – Laurine MARTINOTY The Great Recession has often been referred to as a ‘mancession’ in several coun- tries including Spain and the US. Although women did experience substantial job losses during the recession, the crisis hit men harder than women for they were dis- proportionately represented in heavily affected sectors such as construction, man- ufacturing and financial services. To date, nothing is known about the way the mancession has translated […]
Mardi | 2015-11-17 Sully 5 de 16h00 à 17h20 Isabelle RABAUD Experts are expecting huge gains from liberalization of trade in services, due to the importance of impediments to trade and to the size of the tertiary sector. Insofar as barriers to trade are closely related to domestic regulations, institutions matter. Focusing on three service activities (Business services, Finance and Insurance), in a cross-section estimation for the mean of years 2010 and 2011 based on the database by Francois and […]