

Bank competition and risk-taking for loans and securities at the European Union level

Mercredi | 2017-10-05 Salle B103 – 12h00 Nicoleta PINTILIE – Alin ANDRIES – Bogdan CAPRARU The present study re-assesses the competition-risk link based on a sample of 3,680 commercial, cooperative and savings banks from EU28 countries during 2005-2015. We determine the banklevel competition for loans and securities using Lerner index, its efficiency-adjusted form and Boone indicator. Marginal costs (MC) are estimated with a translog cost function with two bank products (i.e. loans and securities) and three input prices (i.e. labour, […]

Does public debt secure social peace? A diversionary theory of public debt management

Mardi | 2017-10-03 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 Patrick VILLIEU – Maxime MENUET This paper develops a new analysis of the strategic use of public debt. Contrary to the usual view that politicians can use public debt to tie the hands of their successors, we show that an incumbent government can take advantage of having tied his own hands before the election by the means of public debt. By so doing, he reduces the base for future social conflicts, […]

The effect of inflation uncertainty on inflation: Stochastic volatility in mean model within a dynamic framework

Mardi | 2017-09-26 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 Yeliz YALCIN – Hakan BERUMENT – Julide YILDIRIM This paper investigates the effect of inflation uncertainty innovations on inflation over time by considering the monthly United States data for the time period 1976-2006. In order to investigate the effect of inflation uncertainty innovation on inflation, a Stochastic Volatility in Mean model (SVM) has been employed. SVM models are generally used to capture the innovation to inflation uncertainty, which cannot be achieved […]

Thèses et HDR 2017

HORY Marie-Pierre « Essais sur la politique budgétaire : Multiplicateurs et interactions budgétaires » (Sous la direction de Grégory Levieuge), soutenue le 1er décembre 2017. CLOOTENS Nicolas « Trois Essais sur les Relations de Long Terme entre croissance et Environnement » (Sous la direction de Mouez FODHA et Xavier GALIÈGUE), soutenue le 19 octobre 2017. TAGNE Christian Rodrigue « Les pensions de réversion en France : équivalent patrimonial des droits à la retraite, impacts des réformes et niveau de vie des pensionné(e)s » (Sous les directions d’Alexis DIRER […]

Dynamic Panels with MIDAS Covariates: Nonlinearity, Estimation and Fit

Mardi | 2017-09-19 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 This paper introduces Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) to panel regressions suitable for analysis with GMM of the Arellano-Bond form. As MIDAS specification tests are lacking, even in univariate contexts, our proposed methods statistically embed specification checks. We proceed via confidence set estimation for the MIDAS parameter for which empty outcomes signal lack of fit. Conformably, simultaneous and partialled-out confidence sets for the regression coefficient are proposed that address the unidentified boundary […]

Foreign currency denominated indebtedness and the fiscal multiplier

Mercredi | 2017-09-06 B103 12h Marie-Pierre HORY – Grégory LEVIEUGE – Daria ONORI After presenting an empirical evidence of the negative impact of foreign denominated debt on the fiscal multiplier, this paper develops a two-country DSGE model with sticky prices, imperfect and incomplete international financial markets and a financial accelerator à la Bernanke et al. 1999. Following an increase in public spending, the real exchange rate depreciates. In the case where firms are indebted in foreign currency, the depreciation leads […]

Money demand stability, monetary overhang and inflation forecasting in CEE countries

Mardi | 2017-07-11 16h00-17h20 en salle des thèses Claudiu ALBULESCU – Dominique PÉPIN This paper tests the money demand stability in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, comparing two competing models, namely the Cagan’s (1956) closed-economy money demand model, and the Albulescu et al.’s (2017) open-economy model adapted for the CEE countries. The purpose is to see if the money demand is more stable in a generalized, open-economy model, which considers a currency substitution effect. Further, we check to what […]

Location Choices of Undocumented Migrants: Does Access to Higher Public Education Matter?

Mardi | 2017-07-04 15h30-16h50 en SULLY5 Usha NAIR-REICHERT – Richard J. CEBULA – Mpaza KAPEMBWA Many states in the US have experienced a large influx of undocumented immigrants over the past two decades. This phenomenon has created new demands on the educational systems dealing with higher education at the state level, resulting in several state-level educational policy reforms. In several cases, these state-level policy reforms promote access to higher education for undocumented immigrants who have completed high school; however, in […]

A Simple Solution to Invalid Inference in the Random Coefficients Logit Model

Mardi | 2017-06-27 16h00-17h20 en salle des thèses phillipp KETZ We show that the standard approach to inference in the random coefficients logit model suffers from size distortions. The problem arises due to boundary issues and is aggravated when the model is parameterized with respect to standard deviations, which constitutes common practice. For example, in case of a single random coefficient, the asymptotic size of the nominal 95% confidence interval, which is obtained by inverting the two-sided t-test for the […]