

What is the Value of Being a Superhost?

Mardi | 2019-03-19 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 Mariana ROJAS-BREU – Aleksander BERENTSEN – Christopher WALLER We construct a search model where sellers post prices and produce goods of unknown quality. A match between a buyer and a seller reveals the quality of the seller. We look at the pricing decisions of the sellers in this environment. We then introduce a rating system whereby buyers reveal the seller’s type by giving them a “star” if they are a high […]

What is the Value of Being a Superhost?

Mardi | 2019-03-19 Salle des Thèses 16h – 17h20 Mariana ROJAS-BREU We construct a search model where sellers post prices and produce goods of unknown quality. A match between a buyer and a seller reveals the quality of the seller. We look at the pricing decisions of the sellers in this environment. We then introduce a rating system whereby buyers reveal the seller’s type by giving them a “star” if they are a high quality seller. We show that new […]

Understanding decisions made on asylum applications in host countries

Mardi | 2019-03-12 Salle des Thèses 16h – 17h20 Ismaël ISSIFOU This study provides regression estimates of the determinants of asylum admission policies in host countries using a bilateral panel data covering 201 origin and 113 destination countries from 2000 to 2017. We show that, beyond geographical and cultural proximity, approval policies (procedures and acceptance) are influenced by political factors such as political polarization and electoral periods in OECD countries, while they are not in low and middle-income countries. We […]

Non-linear relationship between real commodity price volatility and real effective exchange rate: The case of commodity-exporting countries

Mardi | 2019-03-05 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 Cyriac GUILLAUMIN – Salem Boubakri – Alexandre SILANINE The aim of this paper is to contribute to the existing literature by exploring the relationship between the real commodity price volatilities and the real effective exchange rate (REER) of commodity-exporting countries, taking into account the transmission channel of financial market integration. To this end, we consider a sample of 42 commodity-exporting countries subdivided into 4 panels: food and beverages, energy, metals, and […]

Specialized pediatric health care utilization, child health status, and personalized-precision medicine

Mardi | 2019-02-26 Salle des thèses 16h30 – 18h00 Marcel-Cristian VOIA Health status is a key determinant of health care utilization. However, many measures of health status, including precise personalized physiologically based illness severity scores, are imperfect markers of health ability. This complicates many analysis of health care utilization and leaves open questions as to the attributable role of health status. We suggest a method for uncovering the underlying health ability of a child at the time of admission to […]

A widening global divide? A bipolarization analysis

Mardi | 2019-02-07 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 Florent BRESSON – Gaston YALONETZKY In contrast to reported improvements in world inequality, we document the decline of the world middle class between 2002 and 2012, as interpreted by the bipolarization approach. Using a balanced panel of countries representing more than 80% of the world’s population, we find that reduced inequality within the world’s bottom 50% is the main driver of higher relative bipolarization; while that inequality reduction among the bottom […]

Microfinance and Growth

Mercredi | 2019-02-07 Salle B103 – 12h00 Asma BOUSSETTA – El Moctar LAGHLAL – Réda MARAKBI In this paper, we study the relation between microfinance and economic growth. Using a panel of 69 countries over the 1999-2017 period and taking account of the endogeneity associated with microfinance institutions? loans, we show that microfinance strongly contributes to increase growth, especially in African and Asian countries. We also identify some of the channels through which microfinance positively affects growth. In particular, we […]

Does Inflation Targeting Always Matter for the ERPT? A robust approach

Mardi | 2019-02-05 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 Antonia LOPEZ-VILLAVICENCIO – Marc POURROY This paper estimates the effects of different forms of inflation targeting (IT) in the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT). To this end, we first estimate the ERPT for a large sample of countries using state-space models. We then consider the adoption of an inflation targeting framework by a country as a treatment to find suitable counterfactuals to the actual targeters. By controlling forself-selection bias and endogeneity of […]

The impact of national culture on systemic risk

Mercredi | 2019-01-31 Salle B103 – 12h00 Alin ANDRIES his paper investigates the effects of national culture on systemic risk, using a comprehensive dataset, covering 75% of the total assets of the ?Global Bank? sample for the period 2000-2016. We measure cultural differences using country-level indices for individualism, power distance, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance developed by Hofstede (2001). Because these indicators have dual information , for a better identification we account for their potential nonlinear effects they have on the […]

Signaling Trustworthiness with Impact Investments: An Experimental Study

Mardi | 2019-01-22 Salle des thèses 16h – 17h20 Graciela KUECHLE – Luise ROHLAND Entrepreneurs may differentiate their ventures and attract investments by advertising that their firm produces positive externalities for society. Such signaling of entrepreneurs’ trustworthiness may be a prevalent practice in these “impact investment’’ opportunities. This paper investigates theoretically this possible signaling and it studies the interplay of altruistic, fiscal, and reputational motives in a laboratory experiment. In the experiment, entrepreneurs choose between a conventional investment opportunity or […]