

Exporting and Investment under Credit Constraints

Mardi | 2021-01-26 16H00 – Webinar Walter STEINGRESS Exporting is known to improve _rm performance; numerous studies report efficiency gains arising from entry into foreign markets, greater _rm-level investment, greater employment among other complementary firm-level changes. However, successful exporters inherently satisfy multiple constraints simultaneously: they find buyers for their product abroad, hire sufficient inputs, access necessary financing, and pass legal obstacles, among others. We focus on two potentially limiting constraints to successful entry into export markets: profitability and access to […]

Remittances, Control of Corruption and Taxation in Developing Countries

Mercredi | 2020-10-22 12h00 en B103 Jedah OGWENO AbstractThis paper examines the impact of remittances on the tax effort of 91 developing countriesduring 2002-2017 using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). SFA makes a distinction betweenthe concepts of tax capacity (the optimum tax revenue a country can collect given its structuralfeatures) and tax effort (the ratio of actual tax revenue to tax capacity). The results indicate thatremittances increase tax effort in receiving countries and the strength of this relationship isundermined in highly […]

The Role of Budget Institutions in Promoting Optimal Public Finance in Africa

Mercredi | 2020-10-15 B103 – 12h00 Tobignaré YABRE Abstract :This paper proposes a critical survey on the role of budget institutions in promoting optimal fiscal policy based onspecific experiences of African countries. The paper shows that the observed path of fiscal policy in Africa departsfrom the normative prescription of the optimal fiscal policy theory but finds consistent explanations in the politicaleconomy literature. We argue that relevant budget institutions are needed to promote optimal fiscal policy.Institutional reforms can be done at […]

Foreign direct investment and domestic private investment in sub-Saharan Africa: crowding-in or out?

Mercredi | 2020-09-24 B103 – 11h30 Askandarou Cheik DIALLO – Isabelle RABAUD – Luc JACOLIN Abstract : This paper investigates the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and private investment in Sub-Saharan Africa, using a sample of SSA 40 countries over 1980-2013. To disentangle short term from long-term dynamics, and take into account possible endogeneity issues, our empirical analysis is based on Pooled Mean Group (PMG), Mean Group (MG) and Dynamic Full Effects (DFE). We find that FDI has little […]

Thèses et HDR 2020

SIBI Mahi Georges « Dette publique et croissance économique : cas de la Côte d’Ivoire » (sous la direction de Patrick VILLIEU), soutenue le 23 octobre 2020Consultez la publicité de soutenance NAWAZ Kishwar  » Three essays on natural resources, financial development and energy demand in Pakistan  » (sous la direction de Amine LAHIANI) soutenue le 30 novembre 2020Consultez la publicité de soutenance HUÉ Sullivan « Quatre Essais sur la Mesure des Risques Financiers  » (sous la direction de Sessi TOKPAVI) soutenue le 11 décembre 2020Consultez la publicité de soutenance […]

Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Does Central Bank Credibility matter ?

Mercredi | 2020-09-17 Salle des thèses – 12h00 Yannick LUCOTTE – Elham KAMAL – Vahid TAGHINEZHAD Abstract :This paper studies in two stages the effects of central bank credibility on exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) on 20 inflation targeting (IT) countries. In the first stage, using 60 months rolling window regression of inflation on nominal effective exchange rate is obtained time-varying ERPT in during 1979m1-2020m5. In the second stage a credibility loss index is computed to measure the importance of central […]

 » Bank Branch Network and Consumer Cash Management Behavior: A Canadian Perspective »

Mardi | 2020-06-02 11H00 – Webinar Marcel-Cristian VOIA AbstractWe construct an unique microgeographic data to study the effects of Canadian bank branch network on consumer’ cash management. We create the average distance of consumer’s travelling to (affiliated) closest branch on the Forward Sortation Area (FSA) level, which avoids the attenutation bias and accounts for spatial bank branch network. By shrinking the difference of distances between general Financial Institution (FI) and specific FI branch, we are able to separate the effects […]

Cash in the Pocket, Cash in the Cloud: Cash Holdings of Bitcoin Owners

Mardi | 2020-05-20 11H00 – Webinar Daniela BALUTEL This paper estimates the effect of Bitcoin ownership on the level of consumer cash holdings, showing that adoption is indeed strongly correlated with cash holdings even after controlling for other relevant factors. We further model Bitcoin ownership itself to control for selection effects. Finally, we compute quantile regressions which demonstrate a highly non-linear effect of Bitcoin ownership on cash holdings. Our results provide evidence against the narrative that certain new technologies such […]

 » Trade, Border Effects, and the Potential for Cross-Border Integration: A Regional Perspective from China’s Northeast »

Mardi | 2020-03-10 Salle des thèses 16h-17h20 Kiril TOCHKOV China’s rapid growth has masked the fact that some of its regions have failed to catch up with the modernization and efficiency drive during the market transition. China’s Northeast was once the most prosperous part of the country and a model for socialist industrialization efforts. But since the reforms and opening up, the region has struggled to turn its old industrial base into a vibrant economy. Trade represents a possible channel […]