

Thèses et HDR 2021

Raphael DANINO-PERRAUD, « Les politiques d’approvisionnement en minerais critiques: Une analyse combinée de la chaîne de valeur et des flux de cobalt dans l’Union européenne » (sous la direction de Xavier GALIEGUE), soutenue le 08 février 2021.Consultez la publicité de soutenance Alexis CHOLLET « Incidences des normes de liquidités sur les modèles bancaires » (sous la direction de Raphaëlle BELLANDO), soutenue le 19 mars 2021.Consultez la publicité de soutenance Evrard MOUNKALA  « Rigidités nominales, noyau d’inflation et croissance dans la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique […]

Transnational Transfer of Carbon emissions embodied and Carbon Tax in Trade: Characteristics and Determinants from a Spatial Perspective

Mercredi | 2021-06-17 11h00 – C202 Sahar AMIDI – Thais NUNEZ-ROCHA – Isabelle RABAUD – Rezgar FEIZI Finding the best way to reduce pollution in a world with growing environmental concerns is important for decisions makers. Some scholars hold that a global carbon tax is the bestpolicy for reduced pollution. With the rising role of globalization, assessing the impacts of carbon taxation on carbon emissions embodied in the trade becomes a key question, however,this question has been overlooked. This is […]

Executive Ownership, Insider Trading and Sustainability Performance

Mardi | 2021-05-18 16H00 – Webinar Gianfranco GIANFRATE Executive ownership addresses agency problems by aligning the financial goals of management and shareholders. We explore whether executive ownership fosters non-financial sustainability footprint as well. We show that executive ownership and insider trading activities are negatively associated with firm environmental and social performance. A quasi-natural experiment shows that the inverse relationship between executive ownership and sustainability performance is causal. Our results suggest that ad hoc incentive mechanisms besides executive ownership should be […]

Pollution, children’s health and the evolution of human capital inequality

Mardi | 2021-04-06 16H00 – Webinar Marion DAVIN – Karine CONSTANT This article examines how pollution and its health effects during childhood can affect the dynamics of inequalities among households. In a model in which children’s health is endogenously determined by pollution and the health investments of parents, we show that the economy may exhibit inequality in the long run and be stuck in an inequality trap with steadily increasing disparities, because of pollution. We investigate if an environmental policy, […]

Narrow-band Weighted Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation of Unbalanced Cointegration Systems

Mardi | 2021-03-30 16H00 – Webinar Elena-Ivona DUMITRESCU We discuss cointegration relationships when covariance stationary observables exhibit unbalanced integration orders. Least squares type estimates of the long run coefficient are expected to converge either to 0 or to infinity if one does not account for the true unknown unbalance parameter. We propose a class of narrow-band weighted non-linear least squares estimators of these two parameters and analyse its asymptotic properties. The limit distribution is shown to be Gaussian, albeit singular, […]

The Economic Costs of Conflict: A Production Network Approach

Mardi | 2021-03-23 16H00 – Webinar Mathieu COUTTENIER We provide new evidence on how conflict adversely affects economic outcomes. Specifically, we ask whether and how the production network is a first-order determinant of the propagation of conflict to firms outside of conflict zone. Using microdata on Indian manufacturing plants and geo-coded information on Maoist insurgency, we first provide an estimate of the direct exposure to conflict. Firms located in conflict affected areas suffer a loss of 7-11% of their output. […]

The Culture-Promotion Effect of Multinationals on Trade: the IKEA case

Mardi | 2021-03-16 16H00 – Webinar Dylan BOURNY – Daniel MIRZA – Camélia TURCU This paper identifies an externality of multinationals on trade, channeled through their power of promoting cultures across countries. In particular, it shows how multinationals, by selling products embodying cultural information related to their country of origin, actually promote exports of the latter. We argue that IKEA offers an ideal case to identify a multinational’s culture-promotion effect on trade. We build a dataset on IKEA’s presence in […]

Borrowing Costs After Sovereign Debt Relief

Mardi | 2021-03-09 16H00 – Webinar Andrea PRESBITERO Can debt moratoria help countries weather negative shocks? We study the bond market effects of an official debt service suspension endorsed by the international community during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using daily data on sovereign bond spreads and synthetic control methods, we show that countries eligible for official debt relief experience a larger decline in borrowing costs compared to similar, ineligible countries. This decline is stronger for countries that receive a larger relief, […]

Optimal Monetary Policy Under Bounded Rationality

Mardi | 2021-02-23 16H00 – Webinar Jonathan BENCHIMOL – Lahcen BOUNADER The form of bounded rationality characterizing the representative agent is key in the choice of the optimal monetary policy regime. While inflation targeting prevails for myopia that distorts agents’ inflation expectations, price level targeting emerges as the optimal policy under myopia regarding the output gap, revenue, or interest rate. To the extent that bygones are not bygones under price level targeting, rational inflation expectations is a minimal condition for […]