
Conférence Chaire ILB CACL

Date : Mardi 17 décembre 2024 à 12h00
Lieu : Salle B.103 - UFR DEG Orléans

Organisateur(s) : LÉO

Rejoignez-nous pour une conférence présentée par Robert Petrunia, de l'Université Lakehead (Canada), lors de sa visite à Orléans et au LÉO les 16 et 17 décembre 2024 !
Invité par Marcel VOIA, le professeur Petrunia présentera ses recherches dans le cadre de la Chaire ILB CACL LEO "Transition énergétique et transformation des modèles économiques".

Résumé de son article : "In this paper, we use data tracking consumer movements to assess the impact of government policies on activities at food and drinking establishments. In particular, we compare four Canadian cities - Ottawa, Gatineau, Toronto and Montreal - to assess the effects of Provincial stringency measures and infection waves on customer visit counts and active business counts. These four cities allow the following comparisons: (i) Ottawa-Gatineau as border cities; (ii) Toronto-Montreal as non-border cities; and (iii) Ottawa-Gatineau differences versus Toronto-Montreal differences. The Ottawa-Gatineau difference in visit counts spikes during waves of infection surges. In comparison, the Toronto-Montreal difference shrinks and typically becomes negative during infection surges with the exception of the first infection wave in March-June 2020. Combining these implies the difference in the differences increases during increases during infection surges. Further analysis looks at the impact of both an ’in person’ dining and overall stringency indices and shows that the overall stringency index has a much bigger impact on activity than the ’in person dining’ stringency index. The results indicate that the impact of the overall stringency index is reduced for the Ottawa/Gatineau border cities."

Poster Robert Petrunia Chaire_2024_page-0001