Année : 2025

Conférence Stablecoins and the challenges of MiCA Regulation

Date : Jeudi 27 mars 2025 Ă  16h30 Lieu : Linklaters Paris 25, rue de Marignan 75008 – Paris Organisateur(s) : ILB, LÉO, AEFR et CRJP Une confĂ©rence sur les stablecoins et la rĂ©gulation MiCA rassemblant des experts du secteur privĂ©, des Ă©conomistes, et des reprĂ©sentants des autoritĂ©s rĂ©glementaires europĂ©ennes et nationales, dont l’AutoritĂ© Bancaire EuropĂ©enne (EBA) et l’AutoritĂ© de ContrĂŽle Prudentiel et de RĂ©solution (ACPR) est organisĂ©e. Cette rencontre vise Ă  analyser les enjeux et les impacts du nouveau cadre […]

Rise of China’s National Sword: Evaluating its impact on Chinese waste imports

Date : Jeudi | 2025-01-23 Ă  12h30 Lieu : Salle des thĂšses Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire doctorant du LÉO Saniya ALI ZAHED (LEO, UniversitĂ© d’OrlĂ©ans) This paper analyzes the impact of China’s National Sword policy introduced in 2018 on its import flows, particularly on waste imports. Our analysis scrutinizes the heterogeneity of the policy’s impact across products, time, and exporters. We also explore other moderating factors including income levels, relative environmental stringency, and geopolitics that […]

Journal of Forest Economic – Call for papers: Special Issue on Mining and the Forest

Call for paper – special Issue on Mining and the Forest The special issue aims to attract cutting-edge research on how mining activities interact with forest preservation in developed and developing countries. It  welcomes contributions that: ‱ Assess the impact of mining on forests and forest-dependent livelihoods. ‱ Explore the design and implementation of forest-smart mining policies. ‱ Address the challenges of restoring forest landscapes affected by mining. The special issue is open to studies employing various methodologies, including economic […]

Compliance in fishing regulations: a Social Norms perspective in Ghana

Date : Jeudi | 2024-01-09 Ă  12h30 Lieu : Salle des thĂšses Lien TEAMS : Cliquer ici pour rejoindre le sĂ©minaire doctorant du LÉO ZĂ©lie GANKON SIEYADJEU (UniversitĂ© Paris Dauphine-PSL/Chaire Economie du Climat/UniversitĂ© Mohammed VI Polytechnique) Compliance with environmental regulations relies on a nuanced understanding of both formal incentives and informal social motivations. This paper explores the effect of social and moral norms on individuals’ decisions to engage in illegal fishing activities. We develop a theoretical model that incorporates social […]