Date : Jeudi 16 novembre 2023
Lieu : UFR DEG - Orléans - Salle des thèses
Organisateur(s) : LÉO
Contact :
By bringing together global researchers on an annual basis the workshop contributes to a better understanding of nowadays financial phenomena through the study of past financial events.
At its third session, the GGH Workshop 2023 in historical finance aims to offer an annual gathering to field researchers. It brings together young and confirmed researchers, on the one hand, to help to learn from the research experiences of each other and, on the other hand, to discuss the most recent advances in research techniques, archives, and data.
Hence the workshop perpetuates the legacy of Professor Georges Gallais-Hamonno, who dedicated his entire academic life to historical finance. He endeavored to make historical financial markets’ archives available by developing new datasets and indices.