Diagnostic des grappes d’activitĂ© stratĂ©giques (CLUSTER) en rĂ©gion Centre.
Mercredi | 2010-03-03 B103 Angela OLOSUTEAN
Mercredi | 2010-03-03 B103 Angela OLOSUTEAN
Mardi | 2010-02-23 B103 Yannick LUCOTTE – GrĂ©gory LEVIEUGE Over the last decade, a growing number of emerging market economies has adopted inflation targeting as monetary policy framework. In a recent paper, Freedman and Laxton (2009) ask the question âWhy Inflation Targeting?â. This paper empirically investigates this question by analyzing a large set of institutional and political factors potentially associated with a countryâs choice of IT in a sample of 50 emerging countries over the period of 1986-2005. Using a […]
Mardi | 2010-02-09 B103 RaphaĂ«lle BELLANDO – Mohamed AROURI Ce travail sâintĂ©resse Ă la mesure traditionnelle de mimĂ©tisme proposĂ©e par Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (LSV) et remet en question sa construction. Frey, Herbst and Walter (2007) ont montrĂ© par des simulations de Monte Carlo que cet indicateur est biaisĂ© en prĂ©sence de mimĂ©tisme. Nous donnons uneexplication formelle Ă ce biais et proposons un indicateur corrigĂ© de celui-ci. Nous examinons ensuite les propriĂ©tĂ©s de la nouvelle mesure proposĂ©e par Frey, Herbst […]
Mardi | 2010-02-02 B103 P. BAJGROWICZ – Olivier SCAILLET – libre We propose a technique to avoid spurious detection of jumps in highfrequency data via an explicit thresholding on available test statistics. Weprove that it eliminates asymptotically all spurious jumps. Monte Carloresults show that it performs also well in nite samples. Our empiricalinvestigation of Dow Jones stocks reveals that the spurious detections representup to 50% of the jumps detected initially. After eliminating the spuriousdetections with our method, the average number […]
Mercredi | 2010-01-27 B103 Olivia RICCI With a large recognition that anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) have a real impact on climate change, we propose to understand better the role and importance of biomass carbon capture and geological storage (BCCS) in stabilizing GHG emissions. To date carbon capture and storage (CCS) is not deployed at a commercial level, therefore policy instruments could be used to provide adequate incentives to firms in order to abate pollution with a CCS technology. The objective […]
Mercredi | 2010-01-20 Sully 10 Audrey LAUDE La Capture et Stockage du Carbone est une technologie qui permet de sĂ©questrer des Ă©missions de CO2 issues de lâindustrie dans des strates gĂ©ologiques profondes. AppliquĂ©e Ă une source de biomasse comme dans le cas de la production de biocarburants, le BCSC peut permettre de crĂ©er des puits artificiels de carbone. Cependant, lâincertitude importante pesant sur le marchĂ© du carbone incite les investisseurs Ă diffĂ©rer leur dĂ©cision dans lâattente dâune meilleure information. La […]
Mardi | 2010-01-19 Laurent CABOTTE – RĂ©mi BAZILLIER